January, 2013
There were high and low. But we still managed to keep it in one piece.
She's been doing her thesis and working at once. Lot of stress have been placed onto her.
I volunteered to ease the burden. Carried the weight together.
I had a lot of expectation this year. Trying to make it a reality.
Trails of Yesterday
29 April 2014
26 April 2014
So..... that's how it ends
Never liked a bit of it
Though I did put some efforts
But it already capsized beyond help
On the bright side
I can't hurt you anymore; adding salt to the wound
Yet the scar will remain for... -fuck it! It will remain so
Never liked a bit of it
Though I did put some efforts
But it already capsized beyond help
On the bright side
I can't hurt you anymore; adding salt to the wound
Yet the scar will remain for... -fuck it! It will remain so
16 December 2011
The Uncertainty
We gave up something that'll bring us some good
The outcome of nothing in something
Giving chances for the benefit of the doubt
For we would tripped in our own breath
08 December 2011

My journey is always based on who I'm stuck in a room with
It's what life is - a series of rooms
And who we get stuck in those rooms with
Adds up to our lives are
Of course, the definition only applies when there's somebody in the room with you
If not, you'll just die alone and miserable while the sky turns grey
04 November 2011
I Had Nothing (I Wish)

I always looked over the fence
Seeing how nice his house was...
He do know how to decorate his own
Ohh look! They even got a baby bedding set...
How adorable...
But my house...
No matter how much effort I put into
Never really seem mine at all
Never been a home lately...
16 October 2011
Zack: Sembunyi
Si Haridz ni selalu kejutkan aku dengan berita-berita gempar. 2 3 berita basi aku hidangkan, 10 berita sensasi dia balas...
'kau pasti ke pasal hal ni?'
'aku tengok pon dah boleh tau la... ' jawab Haridz dengan yakin.
Sejak bila plak kawan aku sorang ni ada ilmu pandang tembus? Ohh.. mungkin informer2 yang sampaikan maklumat ni. Semakin hari semakin semak pulak aku tengok si Zack. Mula-mula rasa kesian, kalau orang lain tengok muka Zack pon rasa simpati. Tapi kalau dah 3 kali tersadung di tempat yang sama, takkan tak boleh nak belajar dari kesilapan?
Ain ada la call 2 3 kali. Aku tak angkat pon. Kalau tak dak hal penting aku malas layan. Biasa la... awek orang. Rasanya Ain nak berkongsi sesuatu. Tapi aku rasa syukur aku tak angkat call Ain. Kalau tak aku pon terjerat dalam masalah diorang. Bukan aku tak ambil berat. Cuma dah muak dengan perangai Zack dan Ain.
Hari tu aku selongkar facebook Ain. Dah macam medan perang. Mungkin ada kebenaran dari cerita Haridz.
'aku tak faham la... sampai macam tu sekali' Haridz runsing.
'tapi aku faham sebab aku pernah berada di tempat dia'
Sabar la Haridz. Benda ni diluar jangkaan kita. Suatu hari kau akan faham.
Zack, aku tak tahu sama ada kau menganaiya atau teranaiya... Aku harap kau tahu apa yang kau buat
30 September 2011
ohhh...tekanan.sy suka awk...
kenapa la awk salu dekat di ati sy?
lepas abes viva ingatkan da setel...
sekali terpilih utk seminar...
nak kena wat prosiding, submit abstrak, wat slide presentation baru
3hb, 5hb, 7hb, 10hb, 17hb, 20hb....haihhhh...byk tarikh lak dlm kepala
present kat seminar lak depan org luar,
mampos jugak aku kena hentam nnt
cepatlah abes woiii...
kalo aku tau jd camni aku wat thesis cincai2 pon xpa...
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